pybitmessage.plugins.proxyconfig_stem module

Configure tor proxy and hidden service with stem depending on bitmessagesettings:

  • try to start own tor instance on socksport if sockshostname is unset or set to localhost;
  • if socksport is already in use that instance is used only for hidden service (if sockslisten is also set True);
  • create ephemeral hidden service v3 if there is already onionhostname;
  • otherwise use stem’s ‘BEST’ version and save onion keys to the new section using onionhostname as name for future use.
class DebugLogger[source]

Bases: object

Safe logger wrapper for tor and plugin’s logs


Run stem proxy configurator

Parameters:config (pybitmessage.bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser) – current configuration instance
Returns:True if configuration was done successfully